How to Lose Weight Naturally: 3 Tips for Women

Expert Author Lexor Emman Women, Why Lose Weight Naturally?

Because, otherwise, the fat will come back...
Unlike methods of losing weight that promise fast (but temporary) results, natural weight loss is for women looking for a lifetime solution. If you've lost weight through "quick and easy" methods, then you know how old habits (that made you gain weight) don't just go away. These old habits made you gain the weight right back. This is why so many women struggle with weight loss. These unhealthy habits are unnatural (more on this later). They will stick with you like white on rice unless you replace them with natural healthy habits. Which brings us to the first of...
3 Natural Weight Loss Tips for Women
1. Don't eat white rice, white bread, or white sugar. (If it's white, it ain't eat.)
Why? Because it becomes sugar in your system at unnatural lightning speed. Your body can't deal with all that sugar at once. So your body has to somehow deal with it... eventually storing most of it as FAT. (By the way, I'm not a doctor so please don't mistaken any of this as medical advice.)
2. Don't eat processed food.
What's a processed food? Anything with added lab chemicals or preservatives. How can you tell? Generally, you can't pronounce the name on the container. Why avoid these foods? Because preservatives stop food from breaking down. If you eat preservatives, your body cannot break down your food the same. It gets stuck in your body. You gain weight.
3. Don't drink soda.
Same reason you don't eat white rice, white bread, or white sugar... sugar rushes into your system forcing your body to store it as FAT (worse, it goes right to your belly as belly fat).
What If These Natural Weight Loss Tips Seem Unnatural?
Now if these tips seem unnatural to you it's because of unnatural unhealthy habits. Let me explain by asking you this... Name an animal that eats or drinks any of the above in nature.
That's right. The above doesn't exist in nature. They're available to you thanks to savvy businessmen. They know you can't resist the instant gratification of something sweet (even if they know you'll gain weight and maybe even die of diabetes because of it). You have to be smarter than them if you want to win your body back.
Don't worry, there's hope. I'm Asian and I felt sick, physically sick, each time I tried to stop eating white rice. Stereotypes aside, what was going on? My body was used to dealing with the daily JOLTS of sugar. It was confused when I stopped. After letting my body heal itself, my body now gets queasy if I eat white rice! My body naturally doesn't want it any more.
This is the beauty of losing weight naturally. Your unnatural unhealthy habits are replaced by natural healthy habits. Once you've done it, you can't go back. Your body simply won't let you.
For more natural weight loss tips for women covered in detail, visit my website
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Weight Loss Tips For Women – No Pain, Only Gain

Weight loss is not always a painful procedure. If you have been trying to lose weight desperately though religious diet tops and workouts, you are not alone! Women of all age groups are taking up weight loss as challenge.

Weight loss tips for women have been all over the places these days to enable healthy loss of fat. However, there are times when nothing seems to work well, and women have to take some drastic steps. But it is time to ask if yourself if it is worth?

There are certain weight loss tips for women that should be followed categorically in order to lose weight over time. The procedure begins with making small changes in the daily habits and some subtle lifestyle changes that can make you feel better over time.

Instead of subtracting foods from your diet plan, make healthy additions. This is one of the crucial weight los tips for women. Adding healthy foods like fruits, veggies, cereals, soups and stews can be of great importance.

Exercise is indeed an inspiring factor for weight loss. We usually try to avoid exercising, which is not correct. You can only enjoy working out when you do not emphasize on it too much. However, don’t take it too seriously. If you start taking workouts very seriously, you would end up avoiding it.
Take small steps by getting involved in bike riding, hiking, gardening, washing your car and performing the daily activities. Sex could also be a great form of exercise.

Walking is the best way to lose weight and maintain it at the same time. Walking is one of the best weight loss tips for women. You can take small steps to walk and enjoy yourself – walk your way to the office, take the stairs instead of elevators, participate in charity walks and take a stroll in the evening.

Do not eat all the foods at once. Try to lighten those foods that you are already fond of. Instead of giving up these foods finally, you can switch over to the lower-calorie types of these foods. Choose low-fat versions of cheese on your pizza; choose sugar-free gourmets and low-fat ice creams to keep yourself healthy.

Water keeps you healthy and hydrated; drinking adequate water is also one of the essential weight loss tips for women. If you drink one glass of water before a meal, you would feel fuller and would eat less. Water keeps you fresh, hydrated and eliminates toxins from the body.

Share your meals; the art of sharing has been praised always. Take this as a learning lesson. Do not gulp down an entire meal; instead share with others and eat smaller potions.
Staying motivated is very important weight loss tip for women. When you are planning to lose weight, chances are that you would frequently slip from one state of mind to another. Temptations can pull you down, but you ought to stay motivated. Whenever you feel bored, take a break, pamper yourself and treat yourself well.

However, do not forget to get back to your plan soon.

Learn More Now!
By: Goldinline
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Top 10 Weight Loss Tips For Women

By : Tracie Johanson
If you've been looking for sound advice on weight loss programs and diet plans, we have some good news for you. We've compiled a top ten list of weight loss tips for women. These tips on losing weight are powerful and proven to get results. Best of all, you won't find any gimmicks or fads here. Only the best, most accurate and scientifically proven health advice made the cut and has been included in this fitness advice guide.

1) Our first weight loss tip for women is simply to exercise consistently. That may seem like common sense, but only 45 percent of adults are actually following their doctor's advice and getting the recommended minimum: 30 minutes a day, at least four days a week. After only four weeks of inactivity the body begins to shed muscle mass, and aerobic fitness levels start to diminish after missing only two weeks of workouts. That's why regular, consistent exercise is our first and most important weight loss tip.

2) Don't focus so much on fast weight loss. Instead, concentrate your efforts on achieving permanent weight loss. While it may be tempting to try the latest fad diet or prescription diet pill, keep in mind that quick weight loss doesn't always equate to healthy weight loss. As a matter of fact, when you diet without exercising, up to half of the weight you lose could be from muscle mass. Losing muscle is the absolute worst thing you can do when you're trying to acquire permanent fat loss, so don't be tempted by the gimmicks promising rapid weight loss. Focus on permanent weight loss through a sensible diet and exercise program, and you'll be pleased with the long-term results.

3) This weight loss tip is perhaps the best free medical advice you'll ever receive: Eat your recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables before indulging in any treats. This diet tip is so potent because it will help you realize better health in so many different ways. First and foremost, consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day will help us lose weight because fiber moves fat through our digestive system faster so that less of it is absorbed. High fiber foods also make us feel full sooner and stay in our stomach longer, slowing down our rate of digestion and keeping us feeling full longer. Following this health tip will also lower your risk of several cancers and heart disease.

4) As much as possible, eliminate 'white' foods from your diet. High sugar and high carbohydrate foods create an insulin spike that tells our body to start storing fat. They also trigger a blood sugar high, which is inevitably followed by a low. This drop in insulin levels leaves us feeling hungry, tired, and wanting to eat more. Specifically, at the bottom of an insulin crash the body craves more sugar and carbohydrates, setting us up for a vicious weight gain cycle. With this in mind, it's good advice to simply avoid 'white' foods whenever possible. Choose brown rice instead of white, whole wheat bread instead of white, and cut back on goodies made with white processed flour.

5) Actively seek out all the expert advice on health, diet and nutrition that you can find. There are many reputable sources of online medical advice available, and much of it is free. Knowledge is power, and the more you know about weight loss, the more likely it is that you'll be successful in your efforts. Look for free advice and fitness tips from qualified sources like health club owners, physicians, and certified personal trainers. In short, learn all you can.

6) Get at least eight hours of sleep each night. Research has shown that people who sleep only four hours a night have an 18 percent reduction in leptin, a hormone that tells the brain there is no need for more food, and a 28 percent increase in ghrelin, which triggers hunger. This is one weight loss tip that should be easy for anyone to follow.

7) Drink water. Drink LOTS of water. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies show that a decrease in water will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water can actually reduce fat deposits. Why? The kidneys can't function properly without enough water. When the kidneys don't function to capacity, some of the work load is taken on by the liver. The liver's primary function is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy. If the liver has to do some of the kidney's work, it can't function at its optimal capacity. As a result, it metabolizes less fat. More fat remains stored and weight loss / fat loss stops.

8) Although it's not a workout tip or an exercise tip, staying motivated is probably the most effective weight loss advice you'll ever receive. Since each person in different, motivational techniques will vary. However, many have found that charting fat loss progress to be very encouraging. Others maintain that the single most motivating action is to find a friend and commit to exercise together. Whatever method you choose, find a way to stay motivated if you want to write your own weight loss success story.

9) Essential weight loss advice for a woman is to not exercise like a man. That may sound strange at first, but the fact of the matter is that there are several separate and distinct exercise methods available, and not all are proper for women. In fact, some types of exercise could possibly cause women to gain weight (although any weight gain would be from added muscle, not from fat). For maximum fat loss, women should be engaging in not only aerobic exercise but also in light resistance training.

10) Our final weight loss tip is to carefully select vitamins and supplements to help you attain your fat loss goals. There are a million diet pills and weight loss pills on the market, but the vast majority of them may not be appropriate for you and your personal needs. Instead of buying what you see on the infomercials, take the time to research what's effective and what's not. Most importantly, speak with your doctor before beginning any supplement program. Medical research has given us many breakthroughs in the last few decades, and vitamins and supplements can certainly be a valuable tool in your weight loss toolbox. Take the time to investigate the options and choose wisely.

Although there's a mountain of health advice available today, our Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Women are the best, most accurate and scientifically proven recommendations at hand. Take them to heart, and you'll be well on your way towards fat loss success. Author Resource:- Tracie Johanson is the founder of Pick Up The Pace, a 30-minute exercise studio for women focusing on fitness, health and nutrition for maximum weight loss. Please visit for more information.
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5 Weight Loss Tips for Women


Below are 5 fat blasting weight loss tips for women.
  1. Keep Your Body Guessing - You have to "keep your body guessing". This is the main principle of a good fat loss program - Variety in strength training and cardio exercise. Even with the best strength and interval programs, you have to vary the routine on a regular basis. If you don't mix it up, your body will not change, adapt, or improve in order to handle the different workouts. Lastly, women needs strength training - it is the best way to tone your body, and burn the fat away.
  2. Sweat It Out - When you train, it's not about chatting about your weekend, or taking it easy on a treadmill- it's all about training hard (with very little rest between moves). Fact is, if you want to shed more pounds, high intensity workouts burn more calories than easy, chat on the treadmill routines.
  3. Eat Well - Regardless of how much exercise you do, you still need to follow a healthy eating plan in order to reduce body fat and keep it off. Avoid being famished after exercise by eating a light meal or healthy snack an hour or two before you start.
  4. A common complaint of many diets is that the portions recommended aren't filling. Start incorporating more fiber into your diet. Not only is it good for you but it will help to make you feel full and satisfied. Sources of great fiber are fruits and vegetables!
  5. Plan you nutrition attack - plan to shop and cook your meals in advance. Plan your weeks meals in advance make a list of the healthy foods you need, Then choose a day for grocery shopping, which includes veggies, fruits, lean meat, and low fat snacks - and stick to a weekly budget. And say no to processed foods like chips, sugary drinks,cakes and other junk food. Once all the shopping is done, choose 2 days of the week for your cooking - cook in advance so you have excuse for take-aways or any junk food. If you're not into cooking food in bulk - cook the night before for the whole days worth of meals. This is one way to improve your eating habit and overall health.
The 5 weight loss tips for women above are just the starters - but are the foundation to helping women lose the body fat for good. As well, the weight loss tips for women are not only for women - but applicable to men too.
Discover More Fat Slashing Weight Loss Tips for Women And Men at And Get a *FREE* eBook to Training and Nutrition Insider Secrets on How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off By Using The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat.
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See How Easily You Can Lose Weight by Following These Weight Loss Tips for Women

Most of the women don't like to follow all the tedious diets and do the strenuous exercises in order to lose weight. They can follow these weight loss tips for women to lose weight gradually. So if you dislike diets and exercises then you will want to read on.
The first tip is that you should have healthy amount of eggs in the breakfast. Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day as it starts out day. Eggs are rich in protein content. Protein will help you in toning up your body and will also help you in satisfying your hunger so that you do not have the frequent hunger pangs. I will discuss the next weight loss tip for women now.
You should eat a can of black beans daily. A black bean can consists of 25 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber. The amount of fiber you get through this is the maximum you will require in a day so you will not have to look out for other sources. Make sure that you eat half the can during breakfast and half during lunch to get the maximum benefit. Next you will learn the final weight loss tip for women.
Be sure that you eat 3 apples daily. You may think how this simple thing will help me in losing weight but it is quite an effective way to lose weight. The best way to eat these apples is in the form of snacks in between the meals. You can lose 2 to 3 pounds a month for 2 months using this tip.
Here you saw three easy tips with the help of which women can lose weight easily. If you hate exercising and dieting you will love these three tips. Now get out there and start following these simple tips to lose weight.
Are you a woman looking for fast and permanent weight loss without starving yourself?
For the next 3 days only is offering a free report on "How to Lose 11 Pounds in 9 Days". Visit my website about Weight Loss For Women to download it instantly.
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Weight Loss Tips For Women - 2 Simple Strategies For Turning Your Pain Into Power


In this article we are going to look at a few weight loss tips for women. The simple truth is that while EVERYONE seems to have difficulty dieting, women have some unique challenges that make it even MORE problematic for us. Why is this you ask? Well...if you are anything like all of the women I know, you are juggling multiple responsibilities, career, home, kids and the big one.....preparing FOOD for everyone else, right? In my view, this simple fact alone makes it FAR more difficult to fight your OWN fat, as your kids certainly don't want to eat diet food! (and we end up snacking from what we make for them, right?) With this in mind, here are a few weight loss tips for women who are unhappy with their weight, and can't seem to do anything to fix it. Read on..:-)
Tip #1: Set Aside VERY Specific Segments of Your Day to Eat
I find this very helpful -as it overlays structure and sequence into my daily diet. If I'm preparing food at 4 pm - but know I can't eat until 6, I simply WON'T feel compelled to "taste-test" the foods I'm working with...or at least not until I've "allowed" myself to eat. This does take discipline, but is FAR less restrictive than it sounds, it's just a function of setting out firm goals (no pun intended..:-) and following them to a "t".
Tip #2: Pick a Meal Replacement Diet
This is SO easy to do - and my favorite way of alleviating the pressure above! Any diet that pre-packages, and premeasures your meals is light years ahead of doing your own calorie counting in my view. Why? It's quite simple! The number #1 reason why most diets fail, especially for WOMEN, is we don't have time to calorie count! And who does? So if you're math skills are off like find yourself counting VERY badly, which doesn't lend itself well to losing weight..;-) Once you remove the heavy lifting from the equation, and pick a proven program that does it ALL for you, tastes great and works fast, you'll find the POWER of controlling your appetite, cravings AND the way your body looks will come back in a hurry!
Remember - if you HAVEN'T been able to lose weight's NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step on the path to a firm, fit & beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment!
Click Here -->to lose 20 pounds in 30 Days and join over one MILLION men and women who have lost weight on the Medifast Diet!
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3 Simple Weight Loss Tips for Women


Admittedly many women find it difficult to shed some pounds. There are just too many things to battle to achieve this goal. Despite this, the concept behind losing weight should be simple. All one has to do is to is burn more calories than they eat. Focus should be on decreasing your food intake and increasing your movement. So here are some weight loss tips for women.
1. Watch your food intake.
Diets that tell say you could eat the same food you've been eating and do the same things you've been doing and still lose weight are clearly untrue. You need to change your lifestyle in order to get the pounds off and keep them off. The first thing that needs to be banned from your list is junk food. This comes in various shapes and forms. Fast food, soft drinks, anything instant, chips, and dip, all of these are considered junk. These are foods that contribute very little to your nutritional intake and give you empty calories, sugar and even more fat.
You have to resist the temptation to go to the nearest fast food joint and binge on that burger. Instead, make things at home. Choose lean meats and load up on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Not only are they full of vitamins and nutrients that would make you healthier, but they can also cleanse the body.
You should also consider soft drinks as poison. They contain nothing but sugar and carbon and do not benefit your body at all. Besides, the alternative, which is water, contains 0 calories. If you crave for a drink that has taste, squeeze lemon in your water or drink tea instead.
2. Move around.
You now know how to decrease the calories that you take into your body, but to make weight loss even faster and more permanent, you also have to burn those calories. The only way to do this is to move around. Take up an exercise that you love. There are a lot of options now from the fast moving hip hop dance classes to more relaxing exercises such as yoga.
If you don't have time to hit the gym, try walking around, commuting or taking a bicycle instead of a car. These little things not only help in expending calories but they also help in melting fat deposits in your body too. Keeping your blood pumping also decreases risk of heart attack and other serious diseases. If you find yourself lacking motivation, find a weight loss buddy. There are many other people who surely have the same goals as you do.
3. Hydrate yourself.
Water is your friend. It helps speed up your metabolism and cleanses you of your bodies' impurities. It also helps keep you full so you eat less. Not only is drinking the recommended 8 glasses a day good for weight loss, but it also improves your skin.
The most important thing to remember is to be patient. Despite adhering to these weight loss tips for women you won't be able to achieve your goal overnight.
Are you looking for information on weight loss tips for women? Visit today!
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