5 Weight Loss Tips for Women


Below are 5 fat blasting weight loss tips for women.
  1. Keep Your Body Guessing - You have to "keep your body guessing". This is the main principle of a good fat loss program - Variety in strength training and cardio exercise. Even with the best strength and interval programs, you have to vary the routine on a regular basis. If you don't mix it up, your body will not change, adapt, or improve in order to handle the different workouts. Lastly, women needs strength training - it is the best way to tone your body, and burn the fat away.
  2. Sweat It Out - When you train, it's not about chatting about your weekend, or taking it easy on a treadmill- it's all about training hard (with very little rest between moves). Fact is, if you want to shed more pounds, high intensity workouts burn more calories than easy, chat on the treadmill routines.
  3. Eat Well - Regardless of how much exercise you do, you still need to follow a healthy eating plan in order to reduce body fat and keep it off. Avoid being famished after exercise by eating a light meal or healthy snack an hour or two before you start.
  4. A common complaint of many diets is that the portions recommended aren't filling. Start incorporating more fiber into your diet. Not only is it good for you but it will help to make you feel full and satisfied. Sources of great fiber are fruits and vegetables!
  5. Plan you nutrition attack - plan to shop and cook your meals in advance. Plan your weeks meals in advance make a list of the healthy foods you need, Then choose a day for grocery shopping, which includes veggies, fruits, lean meat, and low fat snacks - and stick to a weekly budget. And say no to processed foods like chips, sugary drinks,cakes and other junk food. Once all the shopping is done, choose 2 days of the week for your cooking - cook in advance so you have excuse for take-aways or any junk food. If you're not into cooking food in bulk - cook the night before for the whole days worth of meals. This is one way to improve your eating habit and overall health.
The 5 weight loss tips for women above are just the starters - but are the foundation to helping women lose the body fat for good. As well, the weight loss tips for women are not only for women - but applicable to men too.
Discover More Fat Slashing Weight Loss Tips for Women And Men at http://losebodyfat101.info/ And Get a *FREE* eBook to Training and Nutrition Insider Secrets on How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off By Using The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Oh
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1161361


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