Weight Loss Tips For Women - 2 Simple Strategies For Turning Your Pain Into Power


In this article we are going to look at a few weight loss tips for women. The simple truth is that while EVERYONE seems to have difficulty dieting, women have some unique challenges that make it even MORE problematic for us. Why is this you ask? Well...if you are anything like all of the women I know, you are juggling multiple responsibilities, career, home, kids and the big one.....preparing FOOD for everyone else, right? In my view, this simple fact alone makes it FAR more difficult to fight your OWN fat, as your kids certainly don't want to eat diet food! (and we end up snacking from what we make for them, right?) With this in mind, here are a few weight loss tips for women who are unhappy with their weight, and can't seem to do anything to fix it. Read on..:-)
Tip #1: Set Aside VERY Specific Segments of Your Day to Eat
I find this very helpful -as it overlays structure and sequence into my daily diet. If I'm preparing food at 4 pm - but know I can't eat until 6, I simply WON'T feel compelled to "taste-test" the foods I'm working with...or at least not until I've "allowed" myself to eat. This does take discipline, but is FAR less restrictive than it sounds, it's just a function of setting out firm goals (no pun intended..:-) and following them to a "t".
Tip #2: Pick a Meal Replacement Diet
This is SO easy to do - and my favorite way of alleviating the pressure above! Any diet that pre-packages, and premeasures your meals is light years ahead of doing your own calorie counting in my view. Why? It's quite simple! The number #1 reason why most diets fail, especially for WOMEN, is we don't have time to calorie count! And who does? So if you're math skills are off like mine....you find yourself counting VERY badly, which doesn't lend itself well to losing weight..;-) Once you remove the heavy lifting from the equation, and pick a proven program that does it ALL for you, tastes great and works fast, you'll find the POWER of controlling your appetite, cravings AND the way your body looks will come back in a hurry!
Remember - if you HAVEN'T been able to lose weight before...it's NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step on the path to a firm, fit & beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Bardo
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1559495


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